Ionic Foot Detox
30 min is $50
Service Description
This is believed to be a safe therapy for anyone over the age of 10 years, except for those who wear a pacemaker or have seizures. This is suggested therapy for people who have accumulated many stored toxins and are not able to get rid of them efficiently, due to overworked liver, spleen, and kidney functions. This is may be especially recommended therapy for those who take a lot of medications. The ionic detox foot bath does not eliminate beneficial medications from the body. Appointments over 10 mins late will need to be rescheduled. Prices are subject to change. IONIC FOOT DETOX MAY: --Purging of heavy metals --A more balanced pH level --Reducing inflammation --Purging of yeast --Detoxifying the liver --Internal cleansing with full-body purge --Liver, kidney, and parasite cleansing --Enhancing the immune system
Contact Details
Columbus, GA, USA